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Announcement: Scenic Rim Mayor to Seek Third Term

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Announcement: Scenic Rim Mayor to Seek Third Term

Media Release authorised by Greg Christensen, embargoed till Wednesday 29 November 2023.

Greg Christensen – Keeping Scenic Rim Strong

Today I am announcing that I will be a candidate for Mayor of Scenic Rim in the 2024 Local Government Election.

I have been approached by many people keen to know that I will be available to continue leading the exciting journey our region is on. Since I became Mayor in 2016, the facts show our region has turned a new page and is growing from strength to strength. Last financial year we set a new record high for the economy and almost doubled the state’s average growth rate.

The records show that I have led our region with optimism and built a resounding sense of belief, fostering and encouraging new businesses and innovation. While leading through a series of natural disaster events since 2017, I have set the path for our region to come back strong on each occasion. This has been made possible by my unrelenting commitment to developing and delivering the strategic plans and directions that build our prosperity, renew and improve community facilities and invest in the long term future of our environment.

These strategies and plans have underpinned our ability to attract record values of grants from other levels of government. As well your Council has delivered quality services, delivered record recovery programs, implemented modern solutions and won the recognition of industry professionals through a consistent series of Awards and ongoing satisfaction with our Financial position from the Qld Audit Office.

I have not let negativity and personal attacks distract me from pursuing the very best for our region every day. Doing the right thing is never popular with everybody, but the Scenic Rim I love is worth standing up for – to secure the very best future. I was particularly proud to advocate successfully with the Minister for Resources to extinguish Coal and Coal Seam gas tenements and secure the future for our environment in support of prior efforts, like the Kerry Blockade, to protect this special place we call home.

I am keen to keep leading this work that will secure a strong future for all. I have been passionate and effective in promoting our region as the best place to create new jobs and bring new investment, which are essential to my ongoing efforts to foster more local jobs. I believe the majority of our young people must have the option for high quality local employment if we are to ensure a strong future.

I understand how to work within the proper limits of legislation and still ensure that the Council organisation is performing strongly for the region. I am a firm believer that economic success must also give rise to vibrant strong communities and healthy environments. The renewal of our Town Centres is already benefitting those communities and I am committed to continuing this with our other communities one by one.

We have indeed come a long way since 2016, including gaining International recognition in the Top 10 places to visit (Lonely Planet 2022). Now is not the time to rest or surrender to small thinking. Ours is a region of opportunity – opportunity to keep building on our food, farming and tourism reputation: opportunity to build new and diverse employment in places like Bromelton, Beaudesert Enterprise Precinct and other locations; opportunity to secure the vibrance of our unique network of communities; opportunity to build the resilience of our environment.

I offer the proven skills to continue to deliver. Skills to engage others to believe in, invest in and work together to activate these opportunities. Skills to ensure our region is celebrated for all its greatness. Skills to solve problems and manage the affairs of Council and maintain our strong reputation; I have the skills, the vision and the passion to Keep Scenic Rim Strong. Who is with me?

Post Tags

Clear Vision, Greg Christensen, Local Government Election 2024, Real Leadership, Scenic Rim Regional Council

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